onsdag, mars 28, 2012

Westphal om ontoteologi

"Onto-theology is thus a bit like Baskin-Robbins or Heinz. It comes in thirty-one flavors or fifty-seven varieties or who knows how many different versions. In discussing Nietzsche on the death of God, Heidegger lists the following as God surrogates in secular modernity: conscience, reason, historical progress, the earthly happiness of the greatest number, and even business enterprise. No ‘‘flight from the world into the suprasensory’’ is necessary to find that particular being whose task will be to give unity and intelligibility to the whole. 
But all forms of onto-theology have a common purpose. Each puts its God, whether it be the Unmoved Mover, or Nature, or Spirit, or the Market to work as the keystone of a metaphysical theory designed to render the whole of reality intelligible to philosophical reflection. Thus, for example, those writers who identify freedom with free enterprise and make this the immanent telos of human history are onto-theologians in an era of the death of God."
Merold Westphal, Transcendence and Self-transcendence: On God and the Soul (Indiana University Press, 2004), 18

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