But surely, in the case of Christianity, the more authentically "Catholic" reality is the blend of the very sophisticated with the very popular - omitting the half-baked "bourgeois" mode of positivistic piety, prayer meetings, organizational obsession, and ill-informed, unimaginative Bible studies that waste the time one might spend having fun.John Milbank “A Closer Walk on the Wild Side” in Michael Warner, Jonathan VanAntwerpen, and Craig J. Calhoun, Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age (Harvard University Press, 2010), 68.
onsdag, mars 27, 2013
Milbank on Catholic vs. bourgeois piety
tisdag, mars 19, 2013
Läsvärt angående Thomas Nagels kritik av materialismen
Mycket läsvärd artikel i The Weekly Standard om kritikstormen kring Thomas Nagels bok Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False:
Materialism, then, is fine as far as it goes. It just doesn’t go as far as materialists want it to. It is a premise of science, not a finding. Scientists do their work by assuming that every phenomenon can be reduced to a material, mechanistic cause and by excluding any possibility of nonmaterial explanations. And the materialist assumption works really, really well—in detecting and quantifying things that have a material or mechanistic explanation. Materialism has allowed us to predict and control what happens in nature with astonishing success. The jaw-dropping edifice of modern science, from space probes to nanosurgery, is the result.
But the success has gone to the materialists’ heads. From a fruitful method, materialism becomes an axiom: If science can’t quantify something, it doesn’t exist, and so the subjective, unquantifiable, immaterial “manifest image” of our mental life is proved to be an illusion.
Here materialism bumps up against itself. Nagel insists that we know some things to exist even if materialism omits or ignores or is oblivious to them. Reductive materialism doesn’t account for the “brute facts” of existence—it doesn’t explain, for example, why the world exists at all, or how life arose from nonlife. Closer to home, it doesn’t plausibly explain the fundamental beliefs we rely on as we go about our everyday business: the truth of our subjective experience, our ability to reason, our capacity to recognize that some acts are virtuous and others aren’t. These failures, Nagel says, aren’t just temporary gaps in our knowledge, waiting to be filled in by new discoveries in science. On its own terms, materialism cannot account for brute facts. Brute facts are irreducible, and materialism, which operates by breaking things down to their physical components, stands useless before them. “There is little or no possibility,” he writes, “that these facts depend on nothing but the laws of physics.”
onsdag, mars 13, 2013
Omoderna föreställningar om "moderniteten"
Signum skriver intressant om Påven, journalisterna och ”moderniteten”:
Det tycks bland journalister finnas ett fast och tämligen enhetligt begrepp om ”modernitet”. När företrädare för katolska kyrkan, och särskilt unga sådana, tillfrågas om vad de önskar av den nye påven leds de ständigt mot att säga att de önskar ”modernisering” eller en ”modern påve”. [...]
”Modernitet” som ett enhetligt begrepp, som rör framsteg och revolution mot allt gammalt och förlegat, finns knappast kvar hos några seriösa tänkare idag. Sedan ungefär trettio år tittar man istället på komplexitet, strömningar och motströmningar, olika kontexter och tolkningsramar, och ser att det i alla fall inte är så enkelt som att det finns något slags enhetlig modernitet som alla människor och alla samhällen med något slags förutbestämd determinism rör sig mot.
Det finns dock vissa yrkesgrupper där denna ”myt om framsteget” tycks leva kvar. En sådan yrkesgrupp är arkitekter, där det fortfarande anses progressivt att bygga som man gjorde på 30-talet för att bereda vägen för ”den moderna människan”. En annan grupp tycks vara journalister, och främst äldre sådana. Bo-Inge Andersson tycks exempelvis, trots sitt stora kunnande och sin gedigna journalistiska bakgrund, inte kunna slita sig från en föreställning om en ”modern värld” som ”den katolska kyrkan” måste uppdateras till för att kunna överleva, för att vara relevant.
måndag, mars 04, 2013
"Religion" and unicorns
Bruce Lincoln: “Religion . . . is that discourse whose defining characteristic is its desire to speak of things eternal and transcendent.” ... “History, in the sharpest possible contrast, is that discourse which speaks of things temporal and terrestrial.”
Timothy Fitzgerald: This is a God-like generalization that transcends historical inquiry. Religion in itself is nothing. It is a highly contested construct and requires contextualized, historical unpacking. This is not a critical practice; it is a statement, or a pair of statements, of the kind “Unicorns have one horn” and “Bligs have three tongues.”
Timothy Fitzgerald, “Bruce Lincoln’s‘ Theses on Method’: Antitheses,” Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 18, no. 4 (2006): 402–403.
Timothy Fitzgerald: This is a God-like generalization that transcends historical inquiry. Religion in itself is nothing. It is a highly contested construct and requires contextualized, historical unpacking. This is not a critical practice; it is a statement, or a pair of statements, of the kind “Unicorns have one horn” and “Bligs have three tongues.”
Timothy Fitzgerald, “Bruce Lincoln’s‘ Theses on Method’: Antitheses,” Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 18, no. 4 (2006): 402–403.
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