måndag, december 25, 2006

Teologi för det offentliga

Ett gäng britter har skapat en mycket intressant tankesmedja vid namn Theos. Dess syfte är att erbjuda analyser, forskning och kommentarer om religionens roll i samhället.

I deras senaste rapport skriver de:
Many secularist commentators argue that the growing role of faith in society represents a dangerous development. However, they fail to recognise that public atheism is itself an intolerant faith position. If we pay attention to what is actually happening in the United Kingdom and beyond, we will see that religiously - inspired public engagement need not be sectarian and can, in fact, be radically inclusive. This report argues that faith is not just important for human flourishing and the renewal of society but that society can only flourish if faith is given space to makes its contribution and its challenge.”

Låter det intressant? Läs hela rapporten här!

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