fredag, november 02, 2007

The Economist om religion och politik

The Economist senaste nummer handlar om "Faith and Politics". Det blir nog spännande läsning. I de artiklar som återfinns på nätet (här och här) tycks dock perspektivet begränsa sig till "clash of the civilization mellan kristna och muslimer" samt dikotomin irrationel tro vs. vetenskaplig modernitet. Till detta finns ju en del att tillägga. Simon Barrow på Ekklesia fyller i sin blogg på med vad det är som Economist-nummret saknar:

"Missing, as far as I can see, are fresh perspectives looking at the changing role and importance of civil society, growing sources of pluralism within communities of religious (and other) commitment, the post-Christendom analysis, John Gray's treatise on terror and modernity, alternative discourses on theopolitics, and 'the clash of barbarisms' counter-position to Huntington lite and the neocons - all of which introduce helpful distinctions missing from what have become the standard sociological tropes."


"Moreover, if the 'wars of religion' analogy is going to be deployed, it would be helpful to revisit what the original ones were about in some greater depth (mostly not religion, actually, but the struggle for the rise of the modern state), via someone like William T. Cavanaugh."

Peter Berger kommer dock i artikeln med en kul kommentar där han frågar ifrågasätter somliga journalisters perspektiv:
"Rather than studying American evangelicals and Islamic mullahs, you should look at Swedes and New England college professors.”

Nu skall jag gå och köpa tidningen!

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