måndag, september 22, 2008

Augustine vs. Friedman

Det finns få teologiska grepp jag uppskattar så mycket som när någon tar sig tid för att med teologin som verktyg problematisera vår samtid. Teologi som kulturkritik, typ.

William Cavanaughs bok Being Consumed är ett lysande exempel på detta. I bokens första kapitel tar han sig an synen på frihet. Milton Friedmans negativa frihetsbegrepp som det kommer till utryck i hans texter om den fria marknaden kontrasteras där mot Augustinus positiva frihetsbegrepp.

Augustinus frihetsbegrepp innebär ju så mycket mer än bara frihet från det som uppfattas begränsa vårt självbestämmmande:

"Freedom is not simply negative freedom from, but freedom for, a capacity to achieve certain worthwhile goals. All of those goals are taken up into the one overriding teolos of human life, the return to God. Freedom is thus fully a function of Gods grace within us. Freedom is being wrapped up in the will of God, who is the condition of human freedom. Being is not autonomous; all being participates in God, the source of being."
"In Augustine´s thought, we desperately need not to be left to the tyranny of our own wills. The key to true freedom is not just following whatever deisires we happen to have, but cultivating the right ones"
"Where there are no objectively desirable ends, and the individual is told to choose his or her own ends, then choice itself becomes the only thing that is inherently good. When there is a recession, we are told to get the economy moving; what we buy makes no difference. All desires, good and bad, melt into the one overriding imperative to consume, and we all stand under the one sacred canopy of consumption for its own sake."

Det är därför som kristna kan säga så konstiga saker som: Det är bara i Din vilja som min frihet är.

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