onsdag, maj 06, 2009

Bristen borde förena

Den brittiska litteraturvetaren Terry Eagleton har kommit ut med en ny bok. Den nyfikne kan snyltläsa ett (lysande) kapitel här. Jag fastnade särskilt för denna passage:

Multiculturalism threatens the existing order not only because it can create a breeding ground for terrorists, but because the political state depends on a reasonably tight cultural consensus. British prime ministers believe in a common culture-but what they mean is that everyone should share their own beliefs so that they won’t end up bombing London Underground stations.

The truth, however, is that no cultural belief is ever extended to sizable groups of newcomers without being transformed in the process. This is what a simpleminded philosophy of “integration” fails to recognize.

There is no assumption in the White House, Downing Street, or the Elysée Palace that one’s own beliefs might be challenged or changed in the act of being extended to others. A common culture in this view incorporates outsiders into an already established, unquestionable framework of values, leaving them free to practice whichever of their quaint customs pose no threat. Such a policy appropriates newcomers in one sense, while ignoring them in another. It is at once too possessive and too hands-off. A common culture in a more radical sense of the term is not one in
which everyone believes the same thing, but one in which everyone has equal status in cooperatively determining a way of life in common.

Alltså, en genuin vilja till möte med den andre innebär alltid ömsesidig påverkan.

Min briljanta vän Lovisa har skrivit ett paper om kosmopolitanism och religion. Hon lyfter där Augustinus tanke om "hungerns väg" som ett mer fruktbart sätt att tänka kring det mångkulturella samhället. Istället för att fokusera på det vi har, i termer av egenskaper och likheter, borde en inklusiv gemenskap kanske snarare betona det vi alla någonstans erfar att vi saknar. Kärleken blir i linje med detta en hunger efter det som vi inte har.
A people is the association of a multitude of rational beings united by a common agreement on the objects of their love [and] it follows that to observe the character of a particular people we must examine the objects of its love.
St. Augustine - City of God, XIX

En grymt spännande tanke tycker jag!

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