lördag, februari 04, 2012

Ontologi für alle

Min gamla lärare Hans Boersma från Regent College har fått fina recensioner för sin senaste bok Heavenly Participation: The Weaving of a Sacramental Tapestry. Hans projekt kretsar kring att bryta ner barriären mellan det naturliga och det övernaturliga, mellan jord och himmel, som är så central för det moderna projektet. Boersma går tillbaka till kyrkofäderna och nouvelle théologie-teologer som deLubac, Balthasar och Chenu för att finna resurser för en teologi där det övernaturliga genomsyrar det naturliga, vad Milbank skulle kalla en "participatory ontology".

The word “ontology” may put some people on edge. The expression places us, so it seems at least, in the area of abstract, metaphysical thought. Should Christians really concern themselves with ontology? Isn’t the danger of looking at the world through an ontological lens that we may lose sight of the particularities of the Christian faith: God’s creation of the world, the Incarnation, the Crucifixion, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the particular ecclesia community, and Scripture itself? I understand these fears, and I appreciate the word of caution as an important one. Nonetheless, the objections do not make me abandon the search for an ontology that is compatible with the Christian faith…I believe that the Great Tradition of the church – most of the Christian ear until the late Middle Ages – did have an ontology. The call for a purely “biblical” theology seems to me terribly naïve. Whether consciously or subconsciously, we all work with a particular ontology; unfortunately, usually the ontology of those who plead for the abolition of ontology turns out to be the nominalist ontology of modernity (20).

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